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  • Leigh

Back to School 2020 Style

It’s the first day of school for many kids this week! Not only does it look different for every child in the nation, it also looks different for every mom in the nation. We are tired - emotionally, mentally and physically. We look for hope in a finish line we can’t see or a cold cup of coffee we just can’t seem to ever finish.

Let me tell you, my sweet mama friend, that it’s all going to be ok. It may not be easy, but it will be ok. You may want to pull your hair out, but it will be ok. You may burn the toast or forget to respond to the email on time, or feel guilty for not being fully present with your kids, but it will be ok.

Why? Because God is sovereign and He makes up for all of our deficiencies.

When Moses asked God who he should tell people he was, God answered in Exodus 3:14 “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’ Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.”

We are daughters of the great “I AM.” What does that mean?

God was, and is, and will be the same God as He is yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn’t change. He hasn’t changed. He won’t change. His ways, His character, and His will are cemented in His sovereignty. The same God who appeared to Moses through a burning bush is the same God that sits with us today.

You may be full time momming at home, part time working at home, full time working at home, part time at work, or full time at work. Regardless, life is much more complicated right now. Maybe today is the day you wonder if you’ll break. You thought life would look a lot different by now, we would be a little closer to “normal,” but no.

We are hard pressed my sister, no doubt. But we are the daughter of the one true King, the great “I AM” and we will not be crushed under His wing. We are perplexed by all that’s going on around us, but we are a child of God who knows exactly how this thing ends! When we despair, because we are prone to, let’s call out to Him for his help!

You may want to throw the laptop out of the window, kick a trashcan, or lock yourself in the bathroom and eat chocolate – I get it. Same. But in those moments it helps to remember some logic: we’ve reached the end of ourselves. We’re not enough. We can’t do this on our own. It’s in those moments that God lifts our chin and says “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9). In our weakness with chocolate in our hands on the bathroom floor, He leans in, and we remember, we weren’t meant to bear this burden alone. He’s right here, and He loves to hear directly from our hearts – especially in the thick of those mommy melt downs. He gets it.

This universe was hand crafted by God. He knew what today would be like before He ever formed this earth. We can take heart, today, that we don’t have to have it all together, and we were never expected to.

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